How the Syrian Regime Abetted Environmental Degradation and Soil Erosion Through Poor Governance
The Syrian Civil War rages on with reverberations around the globe. Whatever the reasons for the outbreak in protests and revolution may be, these alone cannot explain the deluge of broader problems that beset Syria, which is suffering not only from the horrendous conflict but...
Pulling Out of the Iran Deal
After withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Paris Agreement, President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly referred to as the “Iran Deal”, appears to be yet another attempt to reverse the course of President Obama’s...
Syria: “Russia Missed a Big Opportunity to Show the World That it’s a Serious Country
PDC’s Bassam Barabandi discusses the current situation in Syria with TV5. ...
Review of the socio-political dynamics of Northern Deir Azzour Province
The following report was produced to help policy makers better under the socio-political dynamics of Northern Deir Azzour Province in the lead-up to the entrance of the SDF into the province and the subsequent battle between the SDF and the Assad Regime for control of...
The Future of Elections in Syria
[googlepdf url="" download="Download" width="100%" height="600"] Arabic Version: [googlepdf url="ات-في-سورية.pdf" download="Download" width="100%" height="600"]...