Mr. Ghosh-Siminoff is the Executive Director of People Demand Change Inc. The former Executive Director at the Syrian Emergency Task Force and journalist with Congressional Quarterly, Mr. Ghosh-Siminoff was living in Syria attending an immersion Arabic program when the Syrian revolution broke out in early 2011 and had the unique opportunity to experience Syrian society right before, at the beginning and then immediately after the commencement of the revolution. Before Syria, Mr. Ghosh-Siminoff worked on and completed a Masters degree of Middle East Studies at the University of Exeter, UK and conducted fieldwork in Israel and in the Occupied Territories of the West Bank. Mr. Ghosh-Siminoff has been a guest analyst discussing Syria on a number of international media outlets and has also published several articles on the topic. Mr. Ghosh-Siminoff currently works with an extensive network of civil society activists, human rights defenders, grassroots media and policy advocates across the MENA region and has a passion for advocating in support of a thriving civil society community within MENA, and advocates for more sustainable practices in the aid and development field that are committed to community engagement through proper transparency and accountability mechanisms.